Richmond Hillbilly Gets Revenge on Fake Jeff Goldblum with 2x4 in Round 2

The other day, we posted a scuffle that took place in Richmond, VA between a tech nerd (aka bootleg Jeff Goldblum) and hillbilly. Tech nerd showed off some surprising martial arts skills and delivered a series of jabs, a spinning heel kick and and roundhouse kick that left hillbilly with a broken nose and broken ribs.

It appeared the fight was over, but alas, there was a second round before the cops showed up. Hillbilly returns for Round 2, equipped with a 2x4 piece of wood this time. He lands a couple of hits on Jeff Goldblum who fails to land a flying kick and suffered possibly a broken arm. He manages to yank the wood from him and the fight is over after that.

The dude who filmed the original video, who is the next door neighbor of the two combatants, set up a GoFundMe for Goldblum, saying:

Hey ya'll this a go fund to help our Jeff Goldblum clone, this is his neighbor that recorded and saw it happen and am trying give back to the man while he needs help with the medical bills that are rising now for his broken arm. He also suffers from a medical disorder that's very painful, and it is impossible to get coverage for because it happened during his service with the marines. The military has refused to cover the medical bills that requires prosthetic dentistry even with his honorable discharge! So if you would like to help him out or just get him a beer any and all proceeds will go to him. Thank you all!

In case you missed it, here's round 1:

The dude who shot the video also called in to Elliot in the Morning:

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