Mike Jones

Mike Jones

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Meet The Chefs Who Tour With The Red Hot Chili Peppers

We hear the story all the time from bands that, when they're first starting out, that it's whatever for food. Sometimes they get fed at the show venue, sometimes Taco Bell drive-thru, whatever works. It gets better over time and when you're the Red Hot Chili Peppers, you get whatever you want on the road, including bringing your own chefs!

ABC7NY did a feature on Corrina Becker and Tanya Collyer, the chefs who travel with the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Imagine having to cook in a different kitchen every day, or out in the open, in a new state or country, a different setting every time. What kind of food is available at the local markets? Where do you go for what each person likes? It's quite a job and, after watching the feature, I'd say Corrina and Tanya earn their money for sure!

Watch the video and you can get more about Corrina and Tanya with their story from ABC7NY by clicking here.

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