We've heard of some strange fears before but I didn't know Santaphobia was real, and in this case it's a very specific thing about Santa Claus that a man is afraid of.
The Daily Mirror shared Garry Hollidge's story about how he's been suffering from Santaphobia, a fear of Santa Claus. Garry is mainly bugged out when it's a little dancing Santa statue! He talked about how, as a kid, one of them unexpectedly started moving and they've scared him ever since:
"As soon as the little Santa starts jiggling, I start to break out in a cold sweat and it's terrible, as it runs down my back, around my neck and my palms go really clammy."
I guess Superman has Kryptonite and Garry Hollidge has little dancing Santa figures. Something will bring everyone down!
You can read the whole story from The Daily Mirror by clicking here.