If you've ever worked in a restaurant, you know how hard it is to make money. You have to bust your hump and hope that your customers will be generous enough to leave you a few extra dollars. I did it for years and that's why I always tip. Then there are idiots like this...
Samantha Heaton is a waitress at a Buffalo Wild Wings in Illinois and she was stiffed on a check. It wasn't the service, it was the religious nutjobs that she was waiting on. Look at this!
Just because someone is gay doesn't mean that they don't deserve your tip. Or health insurance. Or equal rights. Who cares what they do behind closed doors! If you really were a follower of Jesus, you would know that he loves all people equally and you should too.
I wonder what these wackjobs would do if they had an emergency and the doctor is gay. Would you stop that doctor from saving your life? Would you prevent a gay firefighter from putting out a fire in your house? Would you not let a gay police officer investigate a burglary at your house?
And learn how to spell "tattoo", you dolts.