Oh come on, these kids just wanted to ride their skateboards in a garage. No big deal.
Not til Male Karen (Kevin? Kyle?) shows up and ruins the fun for these kids.
The man can be seen banging the kids’ skate rail against one of the skateboards in what appears to be an attempt to break the skateboard in half. When the attempt failed, he whipped around to yell at the kids that they’re not supposed to be in the parking garage. The skaters can be heard apologizing in the background and asking the man to calm down.
He repeatedly yells, “go,” then appears to move forward to strike the kids with the skate rail. One of the skaters call the man a “f**king a**hole” and another asks what his problem is.
The man angrily answers, “My problem is you a**holes being down here in a personal garage.”
More HERE and check out the video below! **WARNING: CONTAINS PROFANITY**