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Men Who Posed As Veterans Sentenced To Wear Signs That Say "I Am A Liar"

Two men convicted of pretending to be military veterans were handed an interesting sentence by a Montana judge.

Ryan Morris and Troy Nelson were both sentenced to 10 years behind bars for pretending to be wounded veterans. But the judge offered them a chance at parole under certain conditions.

First, they have to hand-write the names of all 6,756 Americans killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. They must also complete 441 hours of community service - one for every Montanan killed in combat since the Korean War.

Finally, on Memorial Day and Veteranss Day each man must stand outside the Montana Veterans Memorial wearing a sign that reads "I am a liar. I am not a veteran. I stole valor. I have dishonored all veterans".

Do you think the sentence is fair? Should people who "steal valor" face extra punishment?

More HERE and check out the video below!

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