Word of advice to thieves out there... If you steal a credit card, you may not want to use it to pay for a meal at a restaurant when the waitress is the person whose card you stole.
An Arkansas waitress was stunned to receive her very own credit card from a customer after her purse was stolen two days prior.
Flora Lunsford works at a Shannon's Restaurant in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Shamon West was her customer at the restaurant. When he went to pay for the meal, he handed the waitress his credit card. One small problem. The card had Lunsford's name on it.
Reportedly “having no desire to pay for the fellow's meal,” the 58-year-old woman instead phoned the police, who arrested the 21-year-old on the spot. That wasn't all that West had.
The alleged criminal possessed Lunsford’s driver’s license, social security card and other credit cards. Have you ever had your identity stolen? How long did it take for you to get it sorted out?