An 18-year-old Kentucky high school senior asked his mom for some money so he could get a tattoo. Mom gave her son, Timothy Felker the money.
Timothy than went and purchased an AR-15 rifle and 500 rounds of ammunition so he could shoot up his high school.
A tip was made online to STOP, Safety Tipline Online Prevention, on Feb. 16 which stated Felker “owns a gun and constantly talks about killing himself/shooting up the school. He reportedly said he wanted to shoot up the school because he was bullied.
His mom did state that he may have some anger issues but that she had no idea about his threats to shoot up the school or that he used the money to purchase the rifle.
Felker is charged with second-degree terroristic threatening.
Should his mom be charged as well for not having a clue as to what is happening under her own roof? Should parents who allow guns into their homes be just as liable if something were to happen? Would you know if your son bought an AR-15?