Elliot In The Morning

Elliot In The Morning

Wake up with Elliot in the Morning (866-2-ELLIOT | 866-235-5468) on DC101 weekday mornings from 5:48 to 10-something. With Elliot, Diane, Tyler and Krysten.

EITM interviews Brad Meltzer

EITM: Swept Under The Plug 1/14/25

“You can’t be alive. You’re dead!”

EITM: Last Call Sign 1/14/25

Ryanair's diversion program.

EITM: Better Man 1/14/25

Tyler's review of "the greatest movie ever."

EITM: Akabanga 1/13/25

Taste test!

EITM: Parannoyed 1/13/25

Welcome to Washington, District of Cannabis!

EITM: Houseguest & House Tats 1/13/25

What did the Segal family decide?

EITM: In The Arlington Heights 1/10/25

¿Cómo se dice...houseguest?

EITM: Hospice Fare 1/9/25

Palate-ative care.

EITM: ChatGPTherapy 1/9/25

Have you ever used a generative AI chatbot to settle issues at home?