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A drunken, naked brawl between two sisters at Disney World was described as "like the plot of an episode of 'The Jersey Shore'" according to a popular Disney news blog.
The dustup reportedly happened back in October, but details have only recently emerged.
The two sisters, who were vacationing at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, from New Jersey, had what seemed like a normal night for adults at the resort. They reportedly had dinner at a steakhouse in Disney Springs, then went to an Irish bar for drinks afterwards, according to Florida circuit court documents.
The two sisters, ages 29 and 31, then started to head back to their hotel but the one phone they had between them died. A security guard called an Uber for them to take them back to their room, but the Uber driver reportedly refused to drive them because they appeared over-intoxicated. The security guard then called them a taxi.
While waiting for the taxi, the two sisters began arguing and at one point the older sister called her sibling a "bad mom" and slapped her, according to court documents. The younger sister threatened to punch her in return.
Police were called and officers from Orlando County arrived to the scene at around 12:40 a.m. to find the younger sister screaming and crying near the Cirque du Soleil wearing only her underwear and sandals.
According to the sheriff's report, "After attempting to calm the situation, [the security manager] said one female slapped the other in the face. At that point, both females began punching, slapping, and pulling each other’s hair."
The security manager pulled the two apart, but in true Jerry Springer fashion, they rushed back at each other.
The report continues, "Once separated, both sisters ran at each other, slipped in [the younger sister’s] vomit, then fell into the bushes while still fighting." According to the security guard, the younger sister "ran a few feet away and took off her dress, exposing her breasts. Shortly after, they began to punch each other again."
The two were separated once again and both were arrested. When police questioned the younger sister, she reportedly kept talking about how she didn't like her sister's boyfriend.
The women were charged with multiple misdemeanors but the state's attorney office did not pursue criminal charges. The two both also requested that the other sister not be prosecuted.