Photo: Getty Images/Pasco County Sheriff's Office
The remains of 34-year-old Kathleen Moore, a Florida woman who went missing in late November, were found on Tuesday and were positively identified hours later, according to reports.
A spokesperson for the Pasco County Sheriff's Office says that Moore's body was discovered about 50 yards away from the home of her boyfriend, 30-year-old Colin Knapp. Her body was found in a wooded area partially buried by thick brush. Investigators say they used tattoos to make the identification.
Knapp was subsequently arrested and charged with second-degree murder in relation to the missing Moore.
The Sheriff's Office says that they received a call at around 11:30 am from a citizen that lead to the discovery. According to Dog the Bounty Hunter, the same team that he used in the search for Brian Laundrie were the ones who lead to the discovery.
The investigation lead authorities to a dumpster behind a restaurant where Knapp reportedly worked at. There, they found significant amounts of blood on clothing allegedly owned by Knapp. So much blood that investigations drew the conclusion that she must have died.
Investigators also say they learned that Knapp and Moore were seen arguing with each other on the night of November 28th while out with friends in nearby Pinellas County. The two reportedly got into another argument after returning to Knapp's home. They say there is no evidence that Moore ever left the house after that.