Everyone's favorite porn website has introduced their own brand of swim trunks for men. But these are not just any old pair of shorts.
Introducing the "Bonerless Bathing Suit" from PornHub.
For dudes who can't themselves under control, these new swim trunks claim they will help hide an erection. To do this, PornHub says the shorts have "Bonerless Technology" and use "specially selected colors [black] mask any bulge below the waist," "flared cut to hide even the biggest culprits" and have "an inner layer of form-fitting material holds in the excitement."
I can't speak for all dudes out there, but is anyone really popping a tent that often at the beach or pool that they would benefit from these? Not to mention if you want to embrace this new "Bonerless Technology," you'll pay a pretty penny. These bad boys go for $69.69 (nice).
Photo Credit: PornHubApparel.com