
Police Find Bag with 44 Stolen Diamonds in Man's Anus During Traffic Stop

During a routine traffic stop that took place in Albuquerque, New Mexico, police discovered buried treasure. Treasure buried in a man's anal cavity.

Eusebio Padilla was pulled over for driving his motorcycle without a license plate. When police were evaluating Padilla, they discovered he had a knife on him and then performed a pat down of the rest of his body. During the search, Padilla pulled a bag out of his anus that had 44 diamonds in it.

He told police the bag was given to him by his uncle, who "usually has stolen items."

According to a document, Padilla said he was going to sell the diamonds to pay for drugs. The value of all of the diamonds could exceed "tens of thousands" of dollars. No word on where the diamonds were stolen from.

Padilla is now facing multiple charges.

Source: KOB4

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