Goat Wearing a Fedora Spotted Roaming the Streets of Baltimore

There's a goat wearing a fedora reportedly roaming the streets of Baltimore and somehow I'm not surprised at all.

Reporter Justin Fenton shared a photo of the goat on Twitter with the caption, "There's a goat wearing a fedora walking around Baltimore today and I need to know where it is"

He followed it up with another tweet: "Reported sightings in Pigtown and Westport."

According to a response from @CharishArthur on Twitter, the goat is a native of Baltimore and his name is Hank.

"That is Hank from Carlton St. stables, on the alley between Pratt and Lombard, if the gates are open, go in and say hi to the #Arabbers!"

"For sure there was someone walking with him nearby. He doesn't leave the yard without someone with him. Usually Gready or Shauna."

"They normally take the goats (Hank and Jill) out for daily walks around the city, Hank likes to harass the neighbors. Lol, he's a competent boxer, that goat. Look sharp!!"

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