Mike Jones' SPOILER FREE Review Of 'The Batman'

Let's talk about The Batman!

I got to see it and as a huge Bat-fan, I loved the movie and the direction they went on this. This is the darkest version of Batman that we've seen yet. It's like if the violence and terror was upped ten times in the setting of the Michael Keaton Batman films that really showed us a gritty side of Gotham City.

Robert Pattinson, I thought he did a fantastic job as Batman and as Bruce Wayne. It's tough to pull them both off well but Pattinson did it. He played both of them as imperfect people and I really liked that aspect.

Zoe Kravitz, well done as Selina Kyle. She is surrounded by darkness and doing what she needs to do to survive. Not a bad girl, not good, but grey in her choices.

Colin Farrell made me ask a lot of questions about The Penguin. You can tell he's lived quite a hard life with all of the excess that surrounds him, and he's not afraid to get dirty when he needs to.

And then we have Paul Dano as The Riddler, my favorite character in the movie. He brought a level of twisted, well thought out violence to the movie that I wasn't expecting and loved. A genius who would carry out his plans no matter what.

This weekend, go see The Batman. The movie is three hours long and it flew by. It's not the colorful superhero film for kids that we've seen with Batman before, this is a dark new chapter for one of our favorite characters.

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