37-Year-Old Virgin Gets 6-Foot String Stuck in Penis in Botched Sex Game

A 37-year-old man made an embarrassing trip to the hospital after a sex game that went wrong lead to him having a 6-foot long piece of rope stuck in his penis.

According to an article by the medical journal Radiology Case Reports, the man used the string for "sexual gratification" but the nylon string became lodged in his urinary bladder.

The report says that the man inserted the string "while being fully erect and watching a pornographic video."

The study goes on to reveal that it was the first time that the man had tried the feat although he admitted he pleasured himself and watched pornographic material on a daily basis. The man was also stated as having no history of marriage or sexual intercourse and as living alone with his mother, who suffers from a mental disorder.

The man self-admitted himself to a hospital in Surabaya, Indonesia, after claiming he was having difficulty urinating, was passing blood in his urine, and had severe abdominal pain.

The rest of the report on Radiology Case Reports goes into great detail on the medical procedure used in order to extract the string from the man, if you're into that kind of thing.

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