Plane Crash Survival Guide: Life-Saving Tips For Air Travel

Even though air travel is still statistically the safest way to travel, here are some potentially life-saving tips in the event of an emergency mid-air.

According to the National Transportation Safety Board, the survival rate is 95.7%. Even more amazingly, it’s estimated that 40% of the fatalities that happen could be “survivable.” Here’s are some tips to keep in the back of your skull if the even the unthinkable happens while you’re airborne.

  • The key number to remember is 90 seconds. That’s how long you’ve got to get out of the plane. Everything in your overhead bag is replaceable. You’re not.
  • Fitness is key. Statistically, “slender men” have the best odds of surviving. The worst odds go to “old & overweight women.”
  • If you’ve got a choice, always opt for the bigger planes over the puddle jumpers. More “energy absorption” means less “deadly force” if things go south.
  • Having a seat within five rows of an exit door to boost your survival odds dramatically. The odds are even better if you’ve got an aisle seat.
  • Have an action plan. Look over that safety card and get a mental plan of what your options might be if you were forced to improvise on your own.
  • Listen to the flight attendants. Solve the problem. Don’t add to it. If for some reason the flight attendant is incapacitated, you’ll be glad you put together your mental action plan from earlier.
  • When problems happen, they most often occur in the first three minutes of take-off, or during the eight minutes before landing. Stay alert during this time and keep your shoes on.
  • If the oxygen mask drops, get it on ASAP.
  • Know and practice the "Brace position."
  • Once you have your oxygen mask on, help others near you, especially kids


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