The 100 Most Nutritional Foods in the World

Scientists studied more than 1,000 foods in search of the world's most nutritional ones. The foods were ranked on how much nutrition they provide in key areas for human's daily need of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other beneficial properties. Of the top 100, some surprises found their way to the list. Believe it or not, kale was not even in the top 25. It came in at 31.

Without further ado:

  1. Almonds
  2. Cherimoya Fruit
  3. Ocean Perch
  4. Flatfish
  5. Chia Seeds
  6. Pumpkin Seeds
  7. Swiss Chard
  8. Pork Fat
  9. Beet Greens
  10. Snapper

See the full list of the top 100

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