West Virginia to Offer Trucks, Guns As COVID Vaccine Incentives

As states across the US try to get as many people vaccinated as possible, many are offering incentives to those who get their shots. For example, Maryland is giving one eligible individual $40,000 a day through July 4. Illinois is giving away 50,000 vouchers for a day at Six Flags.

West Virginia was one of the first states to offer an invenctive for vaccinations by offering $100 savings bonds, but now they are stepping it up by offering a variety of additional incentives to get people to get their shots. Among the offerings are college scholarships, Ford F-150 trucks, a state park getaway, lifetime hunting & fishing licenses, hunting rifles and shotguns, and a $1M lottery.

According to NBC News, West Virginia was one of the more successful states at getting people vaccinated at first, but their rates have since trailed off, with over a quarter of residents saying they are unwilling to get vaccinated.

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