Michael Jordan Refuses to Delete Final Kobe Texts From His Phone

Michael Jordan says he will never delete his final text exchange with Kobe Bryant that happened just days before his death in 2020.

Jordan even revealed what the texts were in a conversation with ESPN. The conversation started after Jordan sent Kobe a bottle of tequila.

"This tequila is awesome," Jordan says Kobe texted him on December 8, 2019.

"Thank you, my brother," Jordan says he replied.

"Yes, sir. Family good?" Kobe replied, according to Jordan.

"All good. Yours?"

"All good."

Jordan continued the conversation: "Happy holidays, and hope to catch up soon. Coach Kobe?"

"Ah, back at you, man," Jordan says Kobe replied with. "Hey, coach, I'm sitting on the bench right now, and we're blowing this team out. 45-8."

Jordan says this last text meant a lot to him, referencing Kobe's daughter Gianna's basketball team. "I just love that text because it shows Kobe's competitive nature," Jordan says about the text. "I just don't know why, but I just can't delete it."

Source: TMZ.com

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