Woman Wearing Bikini at Hawaii Beach Told to Leave by Angry Mother

A tourist trying to enjoy the beautiful weather and scenery in Hawaii was instead treated to a rude mother that seemed to have an issue with her.

Savannah Sims made a TikTok video, which has been viewed over 1M times, explaining that she was minding her own business and catching some sun when a family arrived. She says when the mother took a look at her bikini swimsuit, she immediately took offense to it.

"So I just had the worst experience in Hawaii on the big island. I lay down on a spot that's right off the road and this family gets out of their car and sits down kinda close to me. And the mom starts saying to her boyfriend, 'no I can't have that' and 'that's not okay with me," Sims says in the video.

She then explains it seemed the mom thought her attire showed too much skin and she didn't want to see her "butt and lady parts."

"To be clear, this is my bathing suit," she says, panning her camera around to show the entire bikini. "Pretty frigging normal, right?"

Sim says she asked the mother what the issue was and apparently she replied that she just wanted to leave.

"So I got up and left and she said 'mahalo' and it ruined my day."

She also notes that someone else at the beach says the woman does it "all of the time" to other people.

Sims posted a part 2 follow-up video, calling the mother a "hypocrite" for making the rude comment about her swimsuit when she herself was wearing a "thong bikini."

"Which is totally fine, I wear those all of the time. But to call me out and take off your skirt and be rocking a G-string, you're either a hypocrite or it wasn't about what I was wearing."

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