Father Names Newborn Son 'Department of Statistical Communication'

A father of a newborn son has left his friends, family, and Internet shocked and baffled after naming him "Department of Statistical Communication."

Apparently, the dad, Yoga Wahyudi of the island of Java, made an agreement with wife that if she were to have a boy, he would have the freedom to choose his name.

Sure enough, Yoga discovered his wife was pregnant with a boy. When he was born last December, he decided to name him as a tribute to his workplace.

So his name was "Dinas Komunikasi Informatika Statistik" which translates to "Department of Statistical Communication."

Apparently his wife was fine with the decision. "At first it sounded strange, but thank God my wife did not mind," he told a local news outlet.

Obviously the name is quite long, so the family is going with "Dinko" as a nickname.

It's unclear if the authorities in Indonesia have accepted the boy's name as official.

Source: DailyStar.co.uk

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