Woman Finds Severed Finger in Driveway Next to Slashed Tires

Arizona police have found a revealing clue while investigating a woman's slashed tires -- and it's even better than a fingerprint.

Apparently, the person who slashed Maricopa resident Francesca Wikoff's tires accidentally sliced off his finger while committing the illegal act -- and didn't bother taking it with him, according to police. "I literally have been laughing all day because if I don't, I might cry," says Wikoff, who woke up Thursday morning to find her tires slashed and a finger on her driveway.

A neighbor reports hearing a loud scream before a car sped off at about 10:30 p.m. the night before, police say. "I don't find joy in anybody hurting themselves," Wikoff says. "However, karma has a good way of working itself out."

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