Mike Jones Talks 'Tribute To The Troops' With WWE Superstar Lacey Evans

This Sunday on FOX is WWE's 18th annual Tribute To The Troops and who better to talk about things with than WWE Superstar and former Marine Lacey Evans!

Lacey told me about what it means for WWE to put on Tribute To The Troops and what it means for members of the military and their families to be a part of it, how the Marines prepared her for the different aspects of wrestling, her championship goals for 2021, memories of the late Pat Patterson with her daughter and how to not be a Nasty!

Here's our conversation, and make sure to check your listings and watch FOX on Sunday for WWE's 18th annual Tribute To The Troops!

Also, during our conversation, we discussed how Lacey has joined Step Up America for The Franklin Project. She and Ben Franklin will be virtually visiting schools around America. If you want to have that happen for your school, you can visit Step Up America's website by clicking here.

Thanks for taking time to talk about everything, Lacey. Can't wait for Tribute To The Troops this weekend!

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