Maryland Walmart Employee Charlene Is Social Media's Newest Superstar

The newest Maryland local celebrity is here and I could not be more thrilled.

Charlene, an employee of Walmart in North East, Maryland is quickly becoming a social media superstar thanks to photos of her being frequently uploaded by Walmart North East's official Facebook page.

In almost every single one of the photos, Charlene wears the almost identical expressionless look on her face to notify fans of the Facebook page of sales happening or for holiday promotions.

She appears in a photo with a group of Girl Scouts with the caption, "Rumor has it Charlene made all of the cookies from scratch."

"Time to work out" says another photo with Charlene on the floor with a rolled up yoga mat and some dumbbells.

Charlene even recently appeared in a Valentine's Day post, "We’re sure everyone has their shopping done😏😏but just in case we have plenty of flowers left!" with Charlene's face poking out from behind a display of beautiful flowers.

People have begun visiting the Walmart just to take their photo with Charlene. She might not smile in it, but it will still be perhaps one of the best photos you will ever get.

Go to Walmart North East's Facebook page to see all of the photos.

Photos: Facebook/Walmart North East

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