Bomb Squad Rushes to Hospital After Man Gets WWII Munition Stuck In His...

A bomb squad rushed to Gloucestershire Royal Hospital in Gloucester, England after a man was reportedly admitted with a WWII artillery shell stuck in his rectum.

The man claims to have "slipped and fell" on the large piece of metal, which was typically used as an anti-tank round.

A source told The Sun: "The guy said he found the shell when he was having a clear out of his stuff. He said he put it on the floor then he slipped and fell on it — and it went up his a**e. He was in a considerable amount of pain. I think he collected military memorabilia."

The object was reportedly removed in the hospital before a bomb squad showed up to deal with it.

A spokesperson for the hospital said, "As with any incident involving munitions, the relevant safety protocols were followed to ensure there was no risk to patients, staff or visitors at any time."

The man is expected to make a full recovery.

Source: The Sun

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